http PUT
"message": "The endpoint you called (PUT /api/v1/this-doesnt-exist) doesn't exist",
"suggestion": "You can view all our available endpoints in our docs (",
"poem": [
"'Not all those who wander are lost'",
"Wow, that's quite profound!",
"Except… this time you're certainly adrift",
"Because this endpoint is 404 Not Found"
404 Not Found
http POST
"code": "INVALID_SPEC_ID",
"message": "The spec id you sent (8ask23jlkasdf) isn't a valid spec id",
"suggestion": "Spec IDs must be a 12-digit OID. If it's an existing spec, you can find the valid value in the API Reference section of the ReadMe dashboard.",
"poem": [
"You tried to slip one by us",
"But don't take us for fools!",
"We require a valid OID",
"And yours doesn't fit the rules"
400 Bad Request
http POST
"code": "APIKEY_EMPTY",
"message": "You must pass in an API key",
"suggestion": "API keys can be passed in as the username part of basic auth. You can find a code snippet in our docs! You can get your API key in Configuation > API Key, or in the docs.",
"poem": [
"A very little key",
"Can open a heavy door",
"So include your authenticaion",
"To see what our API has in store!"
401 Unauthorized
http POST
"message": "You can't delete the main 'stable' version of your API",
"suggestion": "To remove this version (3.0.3), set 'stable: true' for an existing version (1.0.0, 2.0.0, 2.0.1) first.",
"poem": [
"The time is up for this old version",
"But when vanquishing it, you're not able",
"Turns out you can't remove a version",
"While it is still marked as 'stable'"
400 Bad Request